Differences Between Seasonal Allergies and Fur Allergies
Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Side Effects and Differences Between Seasonal Allergies and Fur Allergies
Seasonal Allergies vs. Fur Allergies Overview
Most types of allergies come with signs and symptoms that look alike. When an allergen triggers the immune system, it gives out a set of reactions that make it hard to differentiate which allergic reaction a person is having. For this reason, it is important to understand the slight differences between any sort of allergies. In this article, we will be discussing the differences between seasonal allergies and fur allergies.
Allergies occur when the immune system considers everyday substances as hostile. While doing its job to keep all diseases and infections at bay, it notices viruses and bacterias to fight against them to keep us healthy. It does so with a chemical known as histamine. However, the case scenario changes when it comes to pet dander or pollen. While many people would not be bothered by any of these substances, there is a certain population that gets impacted with it severely. An allergic reaction is caused when histamine is released in the body.
More than 50 million people face some sort of allergic reaction around the year. Commonly, a person may be allergic to more than one type of substance, which causes two or more allergic reactions to happen simultaneously. To prevent the far worse from happening, read the article ahead to learn the differences between seasonal allergies and pet allergies.

Clear Differences
Due to their similarities, we have listed down some very minor differences between seasonal allergies and fur allergies down below. These would help you be more mindful when trying to detect the culprit to an allergic reaction and would also help you when you visit a doctor to help them come up with a diagnosis for you.
- Pet allergies can happen any time of the year, however, seasonal allergies are triggered in a specific year.
- Pet dander and pet fur is the main cause of an allergic reaction when it comes to pet allergies. In case you are around animals anytime you react, it could be a notable cause. If you don’t have animals, the cause may be different.
- Place and location are other important aspects to determine the type of allergy you have. Some places have higher pollen in some seasons, causing people to have seasonal allergic reactions. Moreover, if you are at a friend or family’s home, for a visit, who has pets, then the fur or dander might have caused it.
- It is ideal to notice immediately how you feel when the season changes and how you feel around animals and whether you feel any of the symptoms that we are going to discuss ahead, to help you determine the cause better.

Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies are often also referred to as hay fever. come and go around the same time of the year. In case a person is allergic to pollen, for example, then they would have allergic reactions around January to April. That is the time when trees pollinate and you would notice your allergy symptoms around that time.
Common Allergens
- Mold
- Weeds
- Dust
- Grass
- Fungi
- Pollen
- Mites
Common Symptoms
- Sneezes
- Watery eyes
- Runny nose
- Ear congestion
- Coughing
- Fatigue
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Headaches
How to Prevent Seasonal Allergies
It is possible to decrease the risk of seasonal allergies from your home. To avoid allergic reactions from happening, you have them in a specific season, it is to keep your house clear of any common allergens. Deep cleaning your home is ideal. Anything that may collect dust, mites and pollen should either be vigorously cleaned or removed. Beddings should be changed regularly and carpets and curtains need deep cleaning, as well. Water leaks and damp places can cause the growth of molds, so one should keep an eye out for those as well. You should keep a check on the local pollen forecast. It is ideal to wear a mask when going outside or while doing field or yard work. Keep doors and windows shut off your home and cars. Keep your activities indoors.

Fur Allergies
Nearly 30% of the American population is allergic to animals. When you are allergic to pets, the allergic reaction would likely be much more chronic than seasonal allergies. On the other hand, you are vulnerable all year round and it doesn’t matter what time it is. One thing that you need to understand is that to be allergic to pets, you would need to have pets around. It could happen in a house that previously has had pets and might still have fur in the cushions of the sofa. Or pet dander and fur can also be present in the air causing an allergic reaction.
Common Allergens
- Pet dander
- Pet fur
Common Allergic Reactions
- Coughing and wheezing
- Congestion in nose and chest
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Itchy throat
- Watery and itchy eyes
- Redness in eyes
- Headaches
How to Prevent Fur Allergies
It is ideal to not have pets that are too furry if you have pet allergies. You can go for birds or reptiles instead. Mammals with no fur are ideal or you could have them and keep them clean and shaved if your doctor recommends you do so. While around pets, wear a mask as usually, the fur enters your body through your mouth or nose. If you have pets, have an area in your house assigned to them, and spend limited and careful time with them only. Avoid having pets in your room or going to the house of those who have pets. Keep good distance with your pets, and if you have severe allergic after an allergic reaction
The best way to treat allergies is to prevent them. It is ideal to follow all protective and preventive measures once an individual has realized that they are allergic to a certain substance, whether is it seasonal or pet related. Another way to get quick relief is take some over the counter allergy medications known as antihistamines to stop the symptoms from getting worse.
Written by: Madiha Ather Hashmi (December 30, 2020)
- Michael Kerr (2020). “Pollen Allergies”. Healthline Media.
https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/pollen - Michael Kerr (2020). “Cat Allergies”. Healthline Media.
https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/cats - Michael Kerr (2020). “Dog Allergies”. Healthline Media.
https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/dog - AAFA (2020). “Allergy Facts and Figures”. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
Medically Reviewed By

Alexandria University Hospital
I have reviewed the articles on seasonalallergies.org and I would like to say that I was very surprised.
Over years, I have seen many different articles in the field of allergy, but these articles were very interesting.
These articles were really unique, they could help many people around the world to know more about seasonal allergy, symptoms, prevention and when to seek medical advice.
These articles represent an addition in the field of Health Education not only for people with allergy but also for the whole population.
Looking for more allergy types? Find a full list of other allergy causes here.
Last Updated on July 5, 2023